Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cara Cepat Nak Naik kan traffic anda!

haaa... ini adalah cara cepat beb! Nak up kan traffic korang tak? Tadi jenguk blog Magrib menjelma dan luzimamizah  terbaca entry latest dia pasal macam mana nak upkan traffic blog kita. Maybe caranya kurang paham sikit tapi takpe saya nak cuba dulu. Jom kita pakat cuba ramai-ramai. Tak rugi pun kan kalau try cara ni. Kalau menjadi kiranya kita bertuah.

Cara nya begini:

1. Tulis posting artikel seperti posting ini, atau copy-paste artikel ini. Kemudian beri tajuk yang menarik.
2. Anda hanya cuma meletakkan Link URL di bawah ini untuk artikel yang anda tuliskan dalam blog / web anda.

  1.   My Big Family & Friends
  2.   ABCMILO
  3.   matdin
  4.   MSR @Blogger
  5.   tengku nizam
  6.   mizz shizu
  7.   Myself V3 Me &
  8.   Blog Hanz
  9.   BeMie's WoRLd
  10.   Farah Shafiqah
  11. .Qila Razak
  12.   CekLa
  13.   Miss Yaty
  14.   Magrib menjelma
  15. Stylistazone


1. Sebelum anda meletakkan web-web di atas di komuniti Link URL ke posting web / blog anda, sila hapuskan link nombor 1.

2. Selepas itu pindahkan Link no.2 menjadi no.1, yang No.3 jadi No.2, yang No.4 jadi No.3 dan seterusnya.

3. Setelah itu masukkan link anda di urutan bawah (No.15).

***So urutannya jadi mcm nie...

  1.   ABCMILO
  2.   matdin
  3.   MSR @Blogger
  4.   tengku nizam
  5.   mizz shizu
  6.   Myself V3 Me &
  7.   Blog Hanz
  8.   BeMie's WoRLd
  9.   Farah Shafiqah
  10.   Qila Razak
  11.   CekLa
  12.   Miss Yaty
  13.   Magrib Menjelma
  14. Stylistazone
  15.   Blog anda

4. Ingat! Jangan Ubah urutan daftar link itu. Jika setiap blogger mengikuti formula tersebut, maka bakal menghasilkan backlink seperti berikut:

Bila posisi anda pada no.15, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi no.14, Jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi no.13, Jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi no.12, Jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi no.11, Jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi no.10, Jumlah backlink = 3,125
Posisi no.9, Jumlah backlink = 15,625
Posisi no.8, Jumlah backlink = 78,125
Posisi no.7, Jumlah backlink = 390,625
Posisi no.6, Jumlah backlink = 1,953,125
Posisi no.5, Jumlah backlink = 9,765,625
Posisi no.4, Jumlah backlink = 48,828,125
Posisi no.3, Jumlah backlink = 244,140,625
Posisi no.2, Jumlah backlink = 1,220,703,125
Posisi no.1, Jumlah backlink = 6,103,515,625

Kita sama-sama cuba jaya okk….
Selamat mencuba!!!

***Ingat...jangan menipu...tolong menolong sesama rakan blogger untuk mendapat trafic yang banyak... Pastu Jgn Lupa promote link entry ni.. kt member2 korang.. lagi byk lagi bagus.. kalau sehari promote kat 100 blog mungkin yg buat 10% jer maknenya dalam 10 org yg buat... ingat lagi byk backlink kiter... lagi tinggi rating kiter kat google..

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


5 Minutes with JavaFx
 Good Bye AJAX!JavaFx helps developers to put new styles on web.
 Sorry for long hiatus.This article is more focus to Microsoft Silverlight competitor which is JavaFx.Sun has taken different approach in developing framework that can ease the developer to develop rich application and interactive.
 Below are the prerequisites

Download dan install JavaFx 1.0 SDK .Note, if you dont have Java Jre
installed, the JavafX 1.0 SDK package will be download and install for you automatically.
Island of Myestery
Arriving in Shanghai last December , my senior soon founf himself on a quest.He was set to visit Dongtan , on Chongmin Island, the site where Shanghai is now building a "city within a city'
.But he longed to explore more of Chongming, which is about one-third the size of Long Island, New York.
Then he heard of Sharron Lovell,"She is photographer who's already been there," said a manager at the
Sino-Italian Coorperation."I think she wants to go back," he added.She did indeed.

A british expat, Lovell has been in Asia since moving to Taiwan at 18.She has photographed the contruction
of the Three Gorges Dam . migrant worker in Beijing, and in 2004 , the conflict in Afghanistan.

iphone 4


iPhone 4 problem will never be solved.Step taken by Apple to cater the iPhone4 deserved to be praised.However,solution efferct offered by Apple has to be monitored in the future.

Today is Tuesday

Today is a third day in a week and is placed betweem monday and wednesday.The word "Selasa" came from Arabic word which mean three day .Wheras tuesday came from the name of saxon's god which is Tyr.

Today is second day of year counting day which is 2011.What the different between last year and this year?
This year we focused on attracting people, this year we have been adding feature after feature as you can see above.Trying to make most interactive site using new technology. For the next 12 months we are going to work on refining our product, making it easier to use and making it work in more places. I hope all of you having a great holiday and we look forward to serve you all in 2011.
Tomorrow gonna be first day of working in this, so lets start new chapter ya!! 
 For example, Honda has introduced what is cells the world's first ultrasmall absorption-type heat pump
air conditioner for home use.It uses air as cooling medium and is suited to cold climates as well, because it can also work as
a heat-pump heater.
Natural gas-powered absorption air conditioners are quite efficient.With a bit more development,
perhaps the could even be desingned to use heat from the engine to reduce the natural gas burned
directly in the air conditioner.

Today is Tuesday

Today is a third day in a week and is placed betweem monday and wednesday.The word "Selasa" came from Arabic word which mean three day .Wheras tuesday came from the name of saxon's god which is Tyr.

how is JavaFx

5 Minutes with JavaFx

Good Bye AJAX!
JavaFx helps developers to put new styles on web.

Sorry for long hiatus.This article is more focus to Microsoft Silverlight competitor which is
JavaFx.Sun has taken different approach in developing framework that can ease the developer to develop rich application and interactive.

Below are the prerequisites

Download dan install JavaFx 1.0 SDK .Note, if you dont have Java Jre
installed, the JavafX 1.0 SDK package will be download and install for you automatically.

welcome 2k11

Today is second day of year counting day which is 2011.What the different between last year and this year?
Nothing much change i guess if we look back for past few years.It just same stories we heard in the
newspaper and televisyen.What's more important is, what we gonna be in the future?So we much start from
now and dont even look back your mistake.Leave all that behind and heads up.
Tomorrow gonna be first day of working in this, so lets start new chapter ya!!

Blackberry To bunnies

The next time you place a call on your blackberry or play a game on your Nintendo Wii, you may have the IEEE 802.11 working group to thank.The latest BlackBerry models build upon the strength of the Wireless LAN  standard to create communication network that saves company money keeping employee better connected.

News from Iphone

iPhone 4 problem will never be solved

Step taken by Apple to cater the iPhone4 deserved to be praised.
However,solution efferct offered by Apple has to be monitored
in the future.